Assallam O Alikum!
Subject: Request for Project Supervisor for the Project of Developing a Custom Linux Distro of our university BS Students.
We are taking:
"Creating a Custom Linux Distro for PIEAS BS Students" as our final project. We have some knowledge of linux and we are reading more stuff as the time passes by. We have read some starting pages of LFS and it was interesting.
Our Only Problem is that we need a VOLUNTEERED Skilled Project Supervisor who has past experience of using and developing Linux Distro with ample free time to guide us as we aren't Beginners as of yet, just a bunch of noobs.
Anyone interest is requested to either leave a reply, or contact at the details mentione below. Thanks..
Allah Nigehban,
Muhammad Shoaib,
6th Semester,
Nilore, Islamabad.
i didn't find a proper category for it, and i was in hurry, so pasted it here, sorry if there is category.
Project Supervisor Required
i released linux distribution url:
I can do it contact me.
I can do it contact me.