I am using my Red Hat Linux 9 box for samba server.I assigm my linux computer IP
and windows machine
the workgroup name in windows is workgroup.
In Linux side I do the following configurations.
# vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
Server string = samba server
Host allow = 192.168.1.
wins support = yes
comment=Temporary file space
path = /temp
read only = no
public = yes
these are the settings which I have done in smb.conf file.
[root@localhost samba]# service smb restart
[root@localhost samba]# chkconfig --level 35 smb on
Now on windows xp computer when I click on " view workgroup computers " I can see my windows xp and linux computer with name "samba server (localhost).
By double clicking on " samba server (localhost)" windows xp shows a message.
"\\localhost is not accessable.You might not have permission to use this network resource.Contact the sdministrator of this server to find out if you have access permission.
You were not connected because a dublicate name exits on the network.Go to system in control panel to change the computer name and try again"
well I have checked in windows .The computer name is winxp and workgroup is workgroup.
If i write Server string name .i.e samba server in windows explorer as following
\\samba server
it show a message "Windows cannot find '\\samba server'.Check the spell and try again.or try searching for the item by clicking the start button and then clicking search"
Please help me that why i can't even see the dialog box for user name and password. If windows is showing linux machine in workgroup then why it is not showing any diallog box ?
thanks for the help in advance.
Samba problem
- Havaldaar
- Posts: 142
- Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:33 pm
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Did you try the same with IP rather then computer name. And did you check your windows pc for viruses, and are all the services running properly on windows which are required for network.
In your smb.conf in host allow section as fas as i remember when giving a complete IP address (i.e. you dont need a "." at the end. But still its been very long since i configured samba i can be wrong.
And are you sure that you posted the whole smb.conf file, because it is missing some very important parameters.
Did you try the same with IP rather then computer name. And did you check your windows pc for viruses, and are all the services running properly on windows which are required for network.
In your smb.conf in host allow section as fas as i remember when giving a complete IP address (i.e. you dont need a "." at the end. But still its been very long since i configured samba i can be wrong.
And are you sure that you posted the whole smb.conf file, because it is missing some very important parameters.
Kind Regards
Mudasir Mirza (RHCE)
Mudasir Mirza (RHCE)